Cosima Laube - Achieve MORE together!

Expert for Human Connections at Work

Current main work areas:

Organizational Development, Moderation & Facilitation, Agile Team Coaching

Leadership Coaching & Mentoring

Consulting for Effective (Remote) Collaboration

About me:

Experienced Agile IT Professional with a B.Sc. in Psychology - in the field since 2002

International Keynote Speaker

Lifelong learner. Bridge builder.

Networker and People Connector

Listener. Life travel guide.

Human being (

You can hire me.
How can I support YOU?

Get in touch via e-mail: mail (AT) or book a discovery call

Selected Publications (more)

Talk (EN) on 'Sustainable Pace?! How self-care actually boosts teamwork' at NewCrafts Paris Conference 2023 - (recording, Slides (PDF incl. clickable resource links))

Interview with Lisa Marie Moritz about my Software Architecture Gathering 2021 Talk 'D.A.R.E. more, F.E.A.R. less - How Journaling puts Leadership in ACTion

Pecha Kucha (EN) on 'Secrets of Business Journaling' at OOP 'software meets business' conference 2022
- (recording starts 52:27)

Recording of my on-site talk 'Multiple Selves?! Growing Leaders Applied' at Agile Tour London 2018 (EN)

My BSc. Thesis on 'Mindful Leadership - An Overview of Current Research' (abstract (EN) or full-text (DE)

Selected Collaborations - Agile Coach | Management Consultant | Trainer 

emendare - Public Speaking | UnConference Organisation